Last_IO_Error Fatal error原因及处理
发布时间:2022-03-29 15:00:54 所属栏目:MySql教程 来源:互联网
导读:最近在虚拟机上部署MySQL主从复制架构的时候,碰到了 Last_IO_Error: Fatal error: The slave I/O thread stops because master and slave have equal MySQL server UUIDs; these UUIDs must be different for replication to work. 这个错误提示。 即主从架
最近在虚拟机上部署MySQL主从复制架构的时候,碰到了 "Last_IO_Error: Fatal error: The slave I/O thread stops because master and slave have equal MySQL server UUIDs; these UUIDs must be different for replication to work." 这个错误提示。 即主从架构中使用了相同的UUID。检查server_id系统变量,已经是不同的设置,那原因是? 1、错误提示: mysql> show slave status G; *************************** 1. row *************************** Slave_IO_State: Master_Host: Master_User: repl Master_Port: 3306 Connect_Retry: 60 Master_Log_File: binlog.000023 Read_Master_Log_Pos: 331 Relay_Log_File: mysql2-relay-bin.000001 Relay_Log_Pos: 4 Relay_Master_Log_File: binlog.000023 Slave_IO_Running: No Slave_SQL_Running: Yes Replicate_Do_DB: Replicate_Ignore_DB: Replicate_Do_Table: Replicate_Ignore_Table: Replicate_Wild_Do_Table: Replicate_Wild_Ignore_Table: Last_Errno: 0 Last_Error: Skip_Counter: 0 Exec_Master_Log_Pos: 331 Relay_Log_Space: 120 Until_Condition: None Until_Log_File: Until_Log_Pos: 0 Master_SSL_Allowed: No Master_SSL_CA_File: Master_SSL_CA_Path: Master_SSL_Cert: Master_SSL_Cipher: Master_SSL_Key: Seconds_Behind_Master: NULL Master_SSL_Verify_Server_Cert: No Last_IO_Errno: 1593 Last_IO_Error: Fatal error: The slave I/O thread stops because master and slave have equal MySQL server UUIDs; these UUIDs must be different for replication to work. Last_SQL_Errno: 0 Last_SQL_Error: Replicate_Ignore_Server_Ids: Master_Server_Id: 1 Master_UUID: Master_Info_File: /data/mysql/data/ SQL_Delay: 0 SQL_Remaining_Delay: NULL Slave_SQL_Running_State: Slave has read all relay log; waiting for the slave I/O thread to update it Master_Retry_Count: 86400 Master_Bind: Last_IO_Error_Timestamp: 160520 10:54:33 Last_SQL_Error_Timestamp: Master_SSL_Crl: Master_SSL_Crlpath: Retrieved_Gtid_Set: Executed_Gtid_Set: Auto_Position: 0 1 row in set (0.00 sec) 查看slave的状态时Last_IO_Error有错误提示。 2、检查server_id和UUID master: mysql> show variables like '%server%'; +---------------------------------+--------------------------------------+ | Variable_name | Value | +---------------------------------+--------------------------------------+ | character_set_server | utf8 | | collation_server | utf8_general_ci | | innodb_ft_server_stopword_table | | | server_id | 1 | | server_id_bits | 32 | | server_uuid | e5fa0e64-0c48-11e6-a2f7-000c292545f2 | +---------------------------------+--------------------------------------+ 6 rows in set (0.00 sec) slave: mysql> show variables like '%server%'; +---------------------------------+--------------------------------------+ | Variable_name | Value | +---------------------------------+--------------------------------------+ | character_set_server | utf8 | | collation_server | utf8_general_ci | | innodb_ft_server_stopword_table | | | server_id | 2 | | server_id_bits | 32 | | server_uuid | e5fa0e64-0c48-11e6-a2f7-000c292545f2 | +---------------------------------+--------------------------------------+ 6 rows in set (0.00 sec) 从上面的可过看到两边server_id不一致,但是UUID是一致的。 检查auto.cnf文件 此文件在datadir目录 [root@mysql1 data]# cat auto.cnf [auto] server-uuid=e5fa0e64-0c48-11e6-a2f7-000c292545f2 [root@mysql2 data]# cat auto.cnf [auto] server-uuid=e5fa0e64-0c48-11e6-a2f7-000c292545f2 3、解决方法 因为我这是虚拟机操作,整个系统使用了克隆的方式搭建的从库,所以导致了主从UUID一致。 1)删除从库上原来的auto.cnf文件 [root@mysql2 data]# mv auto.cnf auto.cnf.bak 2)重启MySQL进程 [root@mysql2 data]# service mysqld restart Shutting down MySQL.. [ OK ] Starting MySQL.... [ OK ] [root@mysql2 data]# 3)查看auto.cnf文件,UUID已经发生了变化 [root@mysql2 data]# cat auto.cnf [auto] server-uuid=0f7d1af5-1e37-11e6-97e2-000c29a23ba9 4)重启slave [root@mysql2 data]# mysql -uroot -p Enter password: 。。。。。。。。。。。 mysql> start slave; Query OK, 0 rows affected, 1 warning (0.00 sec) 5)查看slave状态。 mysql> show slave status G; *************************** 1. row *************************** Slave_IO_State: Waiting for master to send event Master_Host: Master_User: repl Master_Port: 3306 Connect_Retry: 60 Master_Log_File: binlog.000023 Read_Master_Log_Pos: 410 Relay_Log_File: mysql2-relay-bin.000003 Relay_Log_Pos: 359 Relay_Master_Log_File: binlog.000023 Slave_IO_Running: Yes Slave_SQL_Running: Yes Replicate_Do_DB: Replicate_Ignore_DB: Replicate_Do_Table: Replicate_Ignore_Table: Replicate_Wild_Do_Table: Replicate_Wild_Ignore_Table: Last_Errno: 0 Last_Error: Skip_Counter: 0 Exec_Master_Log_Pos: 410 Relay_Log_Space: 533 Until_Condition: None Until_Log_File: Until_Log_Pos: 0 Master_SSL_Allowed: No Master_SSL_CA_File: Master_SSL_CA_Path: Master_SSL_Cert: Master_SSL_Cipher: Master_SSL_Key: Seconds_Behind_Master: 0 Master_SSL_Verify_Server_Cert: No Last_IO_Errno: 0 Last_IO_Error: Last_SQL_Errno: 0 Last_SQL_Error: Replicate_Ignore_Server_Ids: Master_Server_Id: 1 Master_UUID: e5fa0e64-0c48-11e6-a2f7-000c292545f2 Master_Info_File: /data/mysql/data/ SQL_Delay: 0 SQL_Remaining_Delay: NULL Slave_SQL_Running_State: Slave has read all relay log; waiting for the slave I/O thread to update it Master_Retry_Count: 86400 Master_Bind: Last_IO_Error_Timestamp: Last_SQL_Error_Timestamp: Master_SSL_Crl: Master_SSL_Crlpath: Retrieved_Gtid_Set: Executed_Gtid_Set: Auto_Position: 0 1 row in set (0.00 sec) 至此问题解决,同步正常。 在虚拟机克隆方式搭建主从时需要注意,否则容易出现上面的问题。 (编辑:92站长网) 【声明】本站内容均来自网络,其相关言论仅代表作者个人观点,不代表本站立场。若无意侵犯到您的权利,请及时与联系站长删除相关内容! |